Maya Selva 25 years of Tenacity and Passion
The much-desired positioning of the Flor de Selva, Villa Zamorano and Cumpay brands on the cigar market was no accident. At the age of 16, Maya Selva moved from Honduras to France in order to continue her studies. She returned in 1995, eager to gain experience, particularly in the tobacco industry. For more than a year, she lived in Danlí, where she immersed herself fully in the world of cigar production, from planting seeds in the nursery, to planting the fields, to harvesting leaf by leaf, classifying the tobacco, and learning the techniques of drying, fermentation, processing, blending and hand rolling. With this solid background, she met renowned tobacco producer Nestor Plasencia, and he became her mentor. After trying hundreds of leaves, both separately and blended, Maya Selva debuted on the French market in 1995 with her first box of Flor de Selva cigars, which became a classic among the most demanding smokers.