Flor de Selva Cigars Debut at Prime Cigar Whiskey Bar in the Heart of Brickell, Miami
MIAMI, FL -- In a continued effort to offer the very best cigar experience for its fans, Maya Selva Cigars is debuting a carefully curated selection of its cigars at Prime Cigar Whiskey Bar in the chic, upscale neighborhood of Brickell, Miami. Fan-favorite Flor de Selva Robusto, No.15, Toro and Grand Pressé (box-pressed) maduros will be available in the humidor at this stylish lounge.
The Grand Pressé in particular is a greatly-anticipated addition to the humidor. Consistently rated in the 90s by a variety of publications, it recently received the honor of being given a 99 rating by L'Amateur de Cigare magazine. A best-seller since it's release in 2015, the Grand Pressé has proven to be favorite of both amateurs and connoisseurs, with its smooth, chocolaty finish and impressive range of flavors and aromas.
Members and the general public alike will be able to preview the collection at an exclusive launch event at Prime on the evening of November 16th, 2017. The highly-acclaimed Flor de Selva Colección 20 Aniversario collection will also make an appearance. Pairings will be provided by Flor de Caña, the esteemed Central-American rum producer.